How would you like to own a web site with a Google page rank of 10$%: I know that I sure would. This all mighty rank would almost surely guarantee that you could achieve high rankings for keywords that you targeted.
Additionally, the highly sought after page rank would have potential advertisers flocking to your site wanting to get a link to their site so that they could get their share of the page rank.
Well, you may just have that opportunity present itself to you. There is an experiment going on right now to bring a particular website to a page rank of 10 in 730 days. This is starting from a page rank of 0.
Creative sources
Deco Devolution: The Art of BioShock 2;Navigating Problem-Based Learning;Check-in Assessments for Differentiated Lessons: Quick, Engaging;Practical Holography, Third Edition;A Handknit Romance: 22 Vintage Designs with Lovely Details;Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach CORE Concepts (5th Edition);La prueba ilicita. un estudio comparado;Art & Science of JavaScript PB,2008;OSHA CONTROL (CD) (100 USERS) OF HAZARDOUS ENERGY
As I write this, there are 472 days left and this site has reached a page rank of 4 so far. They are predicting a page rank of 6 on the next Google update.
The kicker is this. If the site does reach the page rank of 10, the site that has referred the most traffic to it will win the page rank 10 site for free.
Not only that, but the top 10 referring sites are currently listed on the front page of the experimental site. This can send a good share of page rank back to your site if you are one of the top referrers.
Will this site ever achieve the coveted PR10 status$%: I don't know the answer, but I have a feeling that the people at Google will certainly have a say in this.
Is achieving a PR10 purely based on the Google algorithm$%: Or is there more to it than that$%:
If you would like to check this out, visit The Pixel Wars today and click on the green "pagerank10" banner located on the left side of this site. ()